Lets face it. Germs are EVERYWHERE. Unless your child lives in a plastic bubble, the risk of getting infected is unavoidable even when taking the proper precautions—especially when school is in full swing or winter weather requires more indoor activities. Children’s immune systems are weaker because they are still developing, so sticking fingers or objects in their mouths and rubbing their faces can lead to more exposure to germs, and therefore more sickness.
We have gathered some of the biggest germ “hot spots” that may be making your child sick. Although common sense is key, some of the areas we've highlighted are those that we come in contact with every day—and the germs are worse than you think. We have also included some helpful tips for teachers as kids spend a huge part of their day at school.

Whether at school, home or play time always make sure to keep those hands clean. Keeping a smart thermometer at hand will help track of your family’s temperature and see what symptoms are floating around your community.